Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top Ten Pros and Cons of a 1983 Campervan (a.k.a Aquarius)


  1. You can pull over any where and take a nap!
  2. You can make a sandwich or cook a full-on dinner wherever you are (and wash your dishes!).
  3. You never have to leave it except to use the potty.
  4. You will make friends everywhere you go.
  5. Our walls are bright orange.
  6. You can stand up and walk around in it.
  7. Beer can travel with you in the fridge (theoretically - see Con #9).
  8. People can hear you coming from really far away.
  9. We will never get a speeding ticket (because it can't go over 90km/h)
  10. The comfy "double bed" makes cuddling easy as pie.
  1. You can actually watch the gas gauge go down while driving.
  2. When you're driving, it's too noisy to talk on the phone.
  3. It takes two or three tries to get our baby running (which apparently, Nolan just discovered how to fix! Warm up bulbs?).
  4. It does not do well on washed out, steep dirt roads meant for burly 4WD vehicles, meaning if you want access to sweet climbing spots, WALK.  
  5. Due to the engine's location under the front seat, the driver has an unwanted seat heater.
  6. We are the slowest car on the road (actually, today we passed a tractor!)
  7. Acceleration is tricky.
  8. Reversing on a hill is impossible.
  9. We still can't figure out how to get the fridge to work.
  10. Nolan is the only one with the skills to drive it - Dimity still looks the wrong way when she crosses the street.
Alas, we love our car, named Aquarius (as I officially bought it, it's my birthday soon, and the guy who sold it to me has a birthday 5 days later!), but have acknowledged the fact that a 4WD might have been better. 

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