Tuesday, January 18, 2011

From Fiji to New Zealand

Bula everyone! It has been an awesome last few days! On our last day in Fiji we took a cab, a bus and another cab to a very fancy resort called the Intercontinental on the beautiful beach of Natadola (Coral Coast). We lounged around the pool, ordered lunch, went swimming in an infinity pool and clear tropical ocean waters. When we had about as much luxury as we could stomach, we headed back to Nadi via the super cheap bus. Nadi is like any other dumpy city,  but it was great to wander around and look for some good food to eat. Since about half of Fiji's population is Indian (due to indentured servants way back when), curry is abundant.  We found a delicious curry-house, but Dimity paid the price later that night when my gas started.  Dimity gave me a first rate hair cut in the shower that night and now I feel all shiny and new for New Zealand!!!

We landed yesterday and found out that immigration is very serious about biosecurity, including possible soil on tents, etc. I didn't declare that I had a tent in my bag, and they found it in their fancy X ray machine! They said that they were going to give me a $400 fine!!! They checked out my tent, and it didn't have any dirt on it, so they gave me a written warning. Great way to enter this cool country.  Dimity thinks I got off easy because the security lady had a crush on me. ;)

Our friend Yali from Nosara was there to greet us when we arrived and was super helpful.  She found us a hostel in Ponsonby, a beautiful suburb of Auckland.  We're on the main street that is loaded with cute restaurants (none of which we can enjoy bc NZ food is outrageously expensive!), coffee shops, and boutiques.  She also helped us search for cars.  We got incredibly lucky when we found a dream camper van parked outside our hostel.  The sale price was $3,600 but another guest told us the guy was desperate to sell.  We met up with him and offered $2,500 and he accepted!! So now we have an amazing (albeit slightly archaic) camper van that you can walk in, cook in, sleep in, LIVE IN!  It was such a relief to find something so wonderful so quickly.  Next steps: buy insurance, join the AA (like our AAA), learn to drive on the "wrong" side of the road.

It's a beautiful day, so we're going to head to a local climbing gym and get the scoop on Auckland's or nearby crags to explore.  On our potential itinerary for the week, aside from climbing: Waheike Island to explore the vineyards and bike around, northland to the beaches and beachside climbing, and hanging out with Yali and another yogi friend Gary.


Check out our rad vehicle:


  1. Amazing adventures!! Keep up the great fun! Love the van!! Dream car!

  2. I'm glad to hear that Natadola lived up to its reputation, and I can't wait to see more van videos!
