Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Off to a tricky start...

So far it seems that we are doomed to encounter bad weather wherever we go.  In Costa Rica, we spent the first two weeks hiding inside from the torrential downpours that knocked out the bridge connecting Nosara to the mainland.  Tonight, we confront a serious snow storm that might threaten tomorrow's afternoon flight to Fiji, via LA.  In Fiji, we've exchanged our beach camping for a room because it's raining all weekend...

Fortunately, New Zealand has a forecast of blue skies and sun!  Those of you who aren't boiling with jealousy that we're heading to warmth, send us some sunny and snow-melting vibes for the next few days!  ;)

Looking forward to this... (Auckland!), where we'll be meeting up with two yogi friends from Costa Rica!

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