Thursday, March 3, 2011

Coffee Culture Down Under

Kiwis and Aussies claim to be coffee snobs, for better or worse.  Everywhere you go, you can only get an espresso (called a short or long black) or a cappuccino (called a flat white), which is great, but it is mostly milk and its gone in two seconds. One second if you are Dimity. We look high and low for a "drip coffee" and the only place where we found one was in Starbucks. I know it sounds lame to travel to the other side of the world and go to Starbucks, but it was sweet joy. We had big cups of coffee the way that we love and were able to walk around downtown Melbourne sipping on delicious black gold. We also came to the realization that being in a Starbucks felt like being back home in a way. It has the consistency around the globe like Indian restaurants or Chines food places - you can be anywhere in the world, but they are all the same (or similar).

Now we happily go back to our flat whites and long blacks and wait for the day when we can have regular coffee on a daily basis.

The pros of Australian Coffee:
1. Delicious (no one can argue that) like dessert coffee 24/7
2. Beautifully served with hearts or sweet designs drawn into the milky foam.
3. Cute (read: small).
4. Cafe culture means it's normal to drink coffee all day long while sitting and reading or chatting to friends

The CONS of Australian Coffee
1. Too small
2. Too expensive
3. Not enough caffeine to get you charging around like a mad bull
4. Too much milk or none at all.
5. Takes forever to make one
6. You only get one size (small or smaller)
7. Highly competitive

1 comment:

  1. Actually, a flat white is like a cappuccino, but with less foam. They also have capp's throughout many coffee shops in NZ. And would you believe, I went to Cafe Grumpy and they had flat whites on the menu! Joy of joys! I thought those days for me were over (can you tell I'd fallen in love with all things Kiwi?)
