Friday, March 18, 2011

Ode to Mother Nature: We do NOT want to be rain gods!

Let me start by saying that in every city in which we've visited friends and family, our hosts continuously apologize for the bad weather and often say things like "this isn't normal," "you just missed a week of beautiful, hot weather," "I swear, it's never like this here!"  "This isn't the [insert city] we like to show off."

Hence the epiphany that Nolan and I are, in fact, rain gods, a possibility we've been speculating since we brought two weeks of torrential downpour to the start of Costa Rica's dry season last fall.  

Given our lack of employment, I'd like to follow-up this epiphany by doing the responsible thing, of course.  I'd like to offer our services as rain gods to those of you in hot, dry climates who need a bit of cooling off.  Perhaps some watering for your garden?  A chance to refill those rivers and ponds you're depending on for your hot afternoon dip?  Seriously, we'd be happy to help.

Lastly, I'd like to ask Mother Nature to please revoke our powers and give them back to whomever had them prior to Nolan and me.  We certainly do not like our special powers, and we'd like to exchange them for something like...teletransport.  This is the sort of power that would greatly facilitate our travels.  You see, we're both active folks, and we especially like rock climbing.  

Rock climbing in the rain can be dangerous and dirty business, and this special power of ours seems to be interfering with our primary interest during our trip - not to mention it floods our tent and sends all sorts of unfavorable creates seeking refuge under our tarp.  

We'd like to thank you for that stint of sunshine in Castle Hill, and again for those four hot days in the Arapiles, but please, Mother Nature, we don't want to be rain gods any longer.  We want to frolick on the cliffs of the Blue Mountains!  We want to dance along the routes of Thompson's Point (which had a perfect weather forecast until we got within an hour of it!).  

So please (and if you can all help send this request along), make that little rain cloud over our heads disappear and dissolve into endless sunshine!!

Your ever-grateful earth-dwellers,
Dimity & Nolan

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