Friday, February 4, 2011


Those of you who know about my fear/tendency to have encounters with bugs (bed bugs, mosquitoes, etc.) might be interested to know that I was stung by a bee or wasp (Not sure - all I felt was the bug squirm and puncture my skin while bzzzzing away), and as a result, have a welt-sized allergic reaction to it on my arm.  Not to mention my entire shoulder blade and upper arm went numb and tingly following the sting.

In the meantime, Nolan and I have found a new pre-bedtime activity - mosquito hunting.  We lay in bed with our headlamps pointed upwards and smash mosquitoes as we see them.  Last night, this became a 2am activity as the buzzing of flying objects woke us both up in the middle of the night.

Apart from this, we can't complain.  We cook gourmet camping food in our van and enjoy a full-sized bed safe from the rain.

So as we continue our stay in New Zealand's one and only real hippy town - where half the population wears dreds and roams barefoot - we will continue to wage our war on bugs and climb, climb away!

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